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Conservation Commission Minutes, 03/01/2007
Conservation Commission
March 1, 2007
Land Use Meeting Room

Members present:  Acting Chair David Lane, DL; Rose Fitzgerald Casey, RFC;  Joe Strauch, JS; Dick Ferren, DF; Tim Flanagan, TF

Absent with notification:  Neal Carpenter, NC

Minutes of February 15, 2007: RFC made a motion to approve the minutes and JS seconded the motion.  The Board approved 5-0.

Scenic Mountain Act:  The Commission reviewed the draft for the Scenic Mountain Act.  (NC reviewed with PA on Feb. 22, 2007 making corrections that the Commission had made at the meeting of Feb. 15, 2007.  More edits were made.  PA will produce another draft and secure the date the Scenic Mountain Act was adopted for presentation at the March 15, 2007 meeting.

The Commissioners have decided on a topographical map that will be used in conjunction with the Act.  

TF will produce a map for the next meeting.

Town Properties:  PA will research and report to the Commissioners her findings regarding the deed restrictions on Town Properties.  They are:
1. Parsons Marsh
2. Taylor-Undermountain Road
3. Laurel Lake
4. Post Farm
5. Parcel behind Caligari

Respectfully submitted,
Peggy Ammendola (PA)